Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Worth the wait...

Not really, but hey shit happens you get what you pay for in this world. What I am saying is sorry about not posting yesterday I will try to not make a habit of it. Onto the good stuff...

Let’s face it you’re a big dork. No need to argue you are reading a blog about movies streaming on Netflix, that means dork. So in an attempt to help you embrace your inner, and in most cases not so inner, dorkdom we present you one of the dorkiest, funniest, and most endearing stories you will find on Netflix Streaming, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.

First thing first, Neil Patrick Harris or NPH is the man. Sure he loves the cock, but the ladies love him and we love the ladies, hello ladies, so by the transitive property of NPH is awesome, we love NPH. Oh and he stars as the titled Dr. Horrible.

Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day round out the small but hysterical cast of this love story told in song. That’s right it’s a musical and in the tradition of the great musicals of the past like South Park the Movie, it fucking ruled.

Okay so nobody has seen about this or heard about this other then the uber-geeks that make up the Joss Whedon fanboy love club. Whedon who has a loyal following of committed fans, for whom has rarely failed to deliver. While he may not have the broad recognition that his work deserves he continues to be a favorite of critics and fans alike. This little ditty just proves his versatility since he is best known first for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and then for his Space Cowboy meets Smokey and the Bandit show Firefly and the accompanying movie Serenity, both starring the ubiquitous Fillion as the tall smug handsome guy who always get s the girl. I fucking hate that guy. But you will love Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog so watch it already. 

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