Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Listen to my uppity British Accent!

Character studies as films usually cause me to pass out in my chair and inadvertently wet myself from the depths of my boredom. There are notable exceptions, Taxi Driver comes to mind, however for the most part these movies are tedious, in many cases, well acted, boring biopics that are historically inaccurate. Basically I find the whole concept to be shit. So it is not going to be easy for me to look you in the eye and say hey watch this character study, because I don’t want to fucking watch them.

I do though, through some nonsensical drive to consume all media within my vortex I watch them and find myself muttering as I do laundry and dry the spot on the couch. That said I have noticed a trend in these movies, the ones based on fictional characters are far less infuriating then the ones based on real people. So on Netflix Streaming there is an excellent example, Croupier. It stars Clive Owen in his debut film and it is a stunning piece of filmmaking. It is tense, creepy, and a bit unnerving. After you finish you will not look at casino workers the same way again. This is a movie about a man in a downward spiral, it just happened to include gambling, sex, and booze, which to me sounds like a good Saturday night. Enjoy. 

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